diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012

My favourite painting

Noia dreta a la finestra 

This painting is from Salvador Dalí. It's 87 years old.
In this painting there is a women, this was Dalí's sister, her name was Ana María
In this painting there is a blue window, with beautiful
views over the bay of Caadqués.
I felt the calm of the sea and the soft breeze of the sea when I look this painting of Salvador Dalí.
Dalí was a crazy artist of the seventies.       
His painting caused a big effect!

La tortuga

La tortuga cançonera                      
a poc a poc fa camí.
Ha sortit de bon matí
per arribar la primera
a menjar-se l'enciam
de l'hort de la masovera.

El conill tenia fam;
ha sortit aquesta nit
i l'enciam s'ha cruspit!
La tortuga no s'enfada;
troba brotets de lletsó,
que florit també li agrada,
i se'ls menja amb fruïció.
Ja paguen la caminada.